
Martin-cropped Martin Ogden, President:  Martin Ogden is currently a Vice President and Technology Practice Team Leader for ABD Insurance and Financial Services. He has been involved in several community based nonprofit charities through his company. He is involved in the analysis of financial reports for ABD and makes staffing and account decisions based on this analysis. He has been friends with Patrick Troya since the age of 13.
Joe-final Joseph Russo, Vice President: Joe Russo is a career firefighter in Calistoga, CA.  He has been a friend of Pat Troya’s since elementary school.  He currently serves as the treasurer for the Firefighters Association nonprofit and has done so for 10 years.
Zach Zachary Green, Treasurer:  Zack Green is currently employed at Citi Mortgage as a Senior Home Lending Specialist. He is married with two young boys. His interests include spending time with his children and swimming. He has fund raising back ground when he was with the organization “Team in Training” where he ran a half marathon and finished the Treasure Island Triathlon. Zack was a very close friend to Patrick Troya. They knew each other from their kindergarten years and were close friends through adulthood.
Tom-cropped Thomas Maguire, Secretary: Tom was a lifelong friend of Patrick, starting when they met in Kindergarten in 1976. Throughout their years growing up together Patrick and Tom shared many memories including winning a Little League Baseball championship in 1982. Tom is posing with Patrick with the trophies that they won that season in the picture to the left. Tom is single and lives in San Francisco working in the telecommunications
Mike-cropped Michael Pucci, Board Member: Works in the food service industry employed with Sysco Corporation as a nationally recognized sales associate. He has worked with the Walnut Acres parent faculty club in Walnut Creek Ca for 4 years where they have raised over 500k. He knew Pat Troya since he was 7 years old. Pat and Michael grew up in Marin County together going to k-12 and college together and played youth and high school sports together.  He also graduated from Sonoma State University with Pat.
sethandpat Seth Davis, Board Member: Seth Davis is currently Managing Partner of an executive legal search firm.  He has been involved in the not for profit world coaching Team in Training which helps raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  He also coaches the University of California Triathlon Team.  He has known Patrick Troya since 1st grade.